10 Tips to Get a Perfect Score on GRE

Have you enrolled for the GRE, purchased all of the best GRE resources, and completed all of the practice tests? Please hold on! These should not be the end of your GRE preparation. There are still a lot of factors you could be overlooking in your quest for a good GRE score. Here are a few tips for getting a high score on GRE.

  1.     Start Early and Prepare for a good period of time!

Most likely, the GRE isn’t the only test you’re worried about. After all, you’re attempting to get into grad school, so keeping your GPA is also a huge priority. So, in addition to studying for the GRE, you’re also studying for a variety of other tests for your various classes. Starting your GRE preparation early can help you stay stress-free as you study for other things, and it will almost certainly improve your score in the end. Begin three to four months ahead of time, and devote an hour or so per day – or as much time as you can – for your GRE preparation.

  1.     Pick the Right Study Material

You don’t have to go and pick every newest GRE book from the market, if you have access to the internet, you can find hundreds of websites with useful resources as well as several forums where students share their experiences and discuss tactics. In fact, for time saving strategies you can always opt for GRE online preparation, and study at your own pace with customized and flexible learning. These online preparations can provide you in-depth coverage of all concepts and practice tests, and all the latest updates regrading the exam. As GRE exam questions keeps on updating based on the most recent academic research. A good resource can help you perform well on test day and achieve a high score.

  1.     Invest your Time wisely!

To get a good GRE score, you will certainly have to put a lot of extra efforts, but you have to plan your time wisely. Examine whether the preparations you’re making are effective. Don’t just drill practice questions mindlessly over and over again without addressing any errors or strategies. Spend your time in filling up the gaps that needs to be filled. If you are consistently scoring a 166 on practice Quant sections for example, and 170 on verbal sections, then it makes sense to cut back on verbal and plan more of your time for quant.

  1.     Do not Plan on Cramming

Cramming isn’t good for maintaining “metal acquisition”. If you are planning to cram everything a day or two before the test, not only you are going to burn out, you will more likely lose scores. Nothing you learn will stick with you. Taking the day off before the test is also crucial. Allow yourself to unwind before the mental gymnastics your mind will be doing during the exam.

  1.     Study Smarter, Not Harder

You wouldn’t go to the gym and choose arbitrarily which weights or machines to use at random and expect to receive the best results. Using a structure and focusing on specific areas within a specified timeline will help you attain your objectives more quickly. Same goes with GRE preparation: if you adopt a methodical strategy to studying, including working harder in areas where you need to improve, you’ll notice results faster and get closer to your target score. Determine the methods by which you study and, more significantly, how you learn. Some people learn better by writing things down, while others need to hear the information in order to sink in. Looking back to your successful study habits from college might assist you in identifying your learning skills and developing a great study strategy.

  1.     Hone in on Your Mistakes

When you make mistakes on practice questions, you need to really focus on those mistakes and you should mine as much information as you can from them. This is because the more closely you will identify your errors, the better you can work on fixing those specific weaknesses, which in turn makes you less likely to repeat those errors.

So, knowing you’re bad at geometry questions isn’t enough. Which geometry questions do you struggle with the most? Why are you particularly weak on those questions? Do you simply lack a thorough understanding of the properties of right triangles? Are the numbers making you feel perplexed? Are you short on time? What’s the source of your time constraint? This is kind of deep analysis you have do every time you make mistakes while solving the practice questions.

  1.     Don’t Skip all Questions

While it is always wise to skip the difficult questions, but that does not imply that you have to skip them all at once. Don’t skip practically every problem you believe is difficult, it’s like you are losing the battle in your own mind. Remember that the GRE is a test of your mental strength. Thus, only skip those questions that are taking long time to solve and slowing you down. You can move on to the next question after completing the easier ones. And, you can always come back and finish the challenging ones later.

  1.     Analyze your Strength and Weakness

Before the final test day, it’s always a good idea to assess your strengths and weaknesses. If you despise long reading passages, you should definitely save them for the last. It’s always a good idea to start with the areas that you can finish quickly. Remember to put in as much practice time as possible. The more you practice, the more you will learn each time and this will help you to get a good GRE score.

  1.     Be ready to take Multiple Practice Test

Practice! practice! and practice, one can not stress enough on the fact that practice is the main key to success. Taking multiple GRE practice test is the only way by which you can experience an authentic exam environment. Take those mock tests in the same manner, you would take your real exam. Try to time your practice exams to coincide with when you have or planning to take your GRE exam. Schedule your test days in advance so that you can clear up that particular time slot beforehand. Sticking to a plan like this has been shown to help your mind recall and perform better.

  1. Be Motivated!

You must be extremely driven to engage in the arduous, granular GRE preparation required to achieve a perfect score. You can not just sit around and think that somehow you will be able to achieve it, one should be really determined to get it then only you will be able to prepare in a constant, focused manner otherwise. Do you want to get into the grad school of your dreams? Or apply for a scholarship? Use that motivation to fuel those long hours of studying. So, you should find your benchmark and plan your prep accordingly.

Final Takeaways

The best approach Instead of studying like a student, study like a scholar. That implies being interested in learning rather than just doing it for the sake of passing the test. Prepare for the GRE’s timed nature. It’s one thing to master subject, but attaining a perfect score also necessitates working under time constraints.

Comprehensive GRE preparation will make you smarter and more adaptive. The guidelines for enhancing your study habits are timeless and retrospect. You’ll be able to put your whole effort into achieving your optimal scores if you find a dedicated study space where you can focus without being distracted. You can follow the above discussed strategies to sharpen your prep followed by devoting the right amount of time and effort you can see guaranteed score improvement and your overall reasoning abilities. And always remember, Perfection takes time!.