3 Kettlebell Circuits You Can Do at Home for Gains

Being able to make real gains in either strength, muscle building, or weight loss and toning is one of the main expected outcomes of an exercise routine and those involved in fitness are always looking to find ways to improve these gains from the safety and comfort of their own home. Here are a few tips to improve your kettlebell circuits, to achieve and sustain some real gains. These are the simplest of circuits and the focus should be on establishing the correct form for these kettlebell exercises.

The Kettlebell Swing – Using the kettlebell swing as the main component of the circuit and then press-ups or push-ups for the additional exercise in the circuit is a known way to build strength and muscle. It is an explosive exercise, and when paired with something like the press-up, will serve to create a great start-up circuit for your training. The swing is also the most basic kettlebell exercise to master and will get you used to the motion and movement that the kettlebell allows for. Do 10 kettlebell swings followed immediately by 10 press-ups and then do 7 reps of these, increasing the number of swings and press-ups by half on every repetition. Follow this and you will have achieved a great simple circuit workout that will bring great gains.

The Kettlebell Squat – Once you have mastered the kettlebell swing, you can then add a move to create a more challenging circuit. The most basic kettlebell squat is about balance and control. Known as the goblet squat, you need to grip the kettlebell with two hands under the chin and then simply squat down. Keeping the squat shallow is the best way to start, and then as your technique and rhythm improve, you will be able to drop lower and deeper, working more muscles and building better strength. Start with basic crunches x20, and then the goblet squat x10, followed by the crunches, and then the kettlebell swing. Repeat this with the same number of exercises and do 5 reps or until you feel the burn and can do no more. Also, look to increase the weight and have a range of kettle bells to allow you to increase the intensity and difficulty of the workouts you choose.

The Swing Ladder – This circuit is all about the single-arm kettlebell swings interspersed with the double-handed swing. It is all about movement and momentum and will serve to work both arms and the upper body as a whole. Start with 10 double-arm kettlebell swings and then move to 10 right-handed swings, 10 double-arm swings, and then 10 left-arm swings. Keep this up and either increase the weight or increase the number of repetitions, doing at least 4 sets of each.

The kettlebell is one of the most versatile and interesting tools to use and the circuits mentioned above are some of the best beginner ways to use these tools to build strength, muscle, and endurance and you can do all this at home.