Finding a self storage unit is not a difficult job, with a computer and internet access you can get all the information on self storage units in your area. There may be a variety to choose from, all you have to do is take your time and find out the right place to store your belongings so that you will be able to move without worrying. You can either call or email the companies to book your storage space. In order to get the best deals, it is beneficial to book your space way in advance so that you will be able to rent it at decent and discounted rates.
Listed below are 6 tips to help you save money when renting a self storage unit.
- Rent an Interior or Upper Floor Storage Unit –These types of storage units dallas are typically priced 20% to 30% lower than drive up or exterior units. You have to ask yourself, do you really require a drive up self storage unit? If not, this one tip alone can save you a lot of money.
- Check for Rent Discounts – Most of the self storage facilities run monthly rent specials and offer some type of military discount. Be sure to ask the self storage operator if they are running any discounts or specials. It is not uncommon to see either 1 month of free rent being offered or some type of fixed discount special off of the standard rental rate ranging between 5% – 15%.
- Pre-Pay The Rent – If you are going to store your items for longer than 6 months, you might want to consider pre-paying your rent. Most storage facilities will give you a significant discount for pre-paying your rent (some discounts are as high as 10%). The longer period that you pre-pay your rent for the better the discount.
- Rent During The Winter and Fall Months – Summer time is the busy season for self storage operators. In fact, some self storage businesses are full during the summer. Try to rent a storage unit when occupancy is down, you will get your best deals then. The holiday season is usually a great time to get a good deal.
- Does the Self Storage facility offer a Free Moving Truck? – The use of a Free moving truck and driver is becoming a standard feature in self storage world. This feature can save you hundreds of dollars and save you the head ache’s of having to drive a rental truck that you are not accustomed too. Use the money you save here to pay for additional “movers” or some storage boxes.
- Check for Discounts on Boxes and Moving Supplies – Most self storage facilities also offer the sale of boxes and moving supplies to their tenants. However, some self storage facilities “take advantage” of their captive audience and charge higher prices for the boxes and moving supplies than they should. Make sure that discounted pricing is offered for these products too.
You should check the space available so that all the belongings you wish to store can be kept in one space itself. There is should be proper air supply so that the value of your items and belongings is preserved. Without proper air supply, the value of your belongings can deteriorate, there should be security cams to keep an eye on all the storage spaces at all times. Some companies provide 24×7 access to your belongings so it is more beneficial to choose a company that provides this facility. The location of the company should also be taken into consideration if it is too far from your residence it may be inconvenient. Suppose you want to relocate or move for a longer period then the location of the storage doesn’t matter, but if you need access to your belongings on a weekly basis then you should rent a space that is closer to where you live.