A Guide to Staying on Top of Nutrition If You’re Over 65

Your nutritional needs vary depending on your age. As you get older, it is common to start to realize that the food you should be ingesting in order to remain healthy is different from that which you used to eat when you were younger. Generally speaking, you are going to need to consume less of some food groups and more of others.

The fact is, though, that while some things may change, healthy eating in general will not alter a great deal so long as you already have a healthy diet. You will just need to be a lot more aware of your own body and the specific nutritional requirements that it is going to need, not to mention you will more than likely need to adjust your food choices so that you’re getting exactly what you need in order to remain as healthy as possible.

The Importance of Healthy Eating When You’re Over 65

It can be a lot harder to buy the right groceries or cook the right food as you get older, and as a result, you might be a lot less likely to put your health first. While this is understandable, it cannot be stressed enough just how important your health is. You shouldn’t see every meal as just a meal; instead, you should see it as an opportunity to give your body maximum nutrition. You could also see it as a social activity that you can enjoy with others.

Be sure to ask for help when you go shopping or are putting together meal preparation, as this will make everything a lot easier for you. This help could come in the form of a family member or friends. If they are not available, then you should speak to your doctor or try and reach out to community groups and local carers.

Keep the following in mind when it comes to eating healthily:

  • Protein

If you are on bed rest and not able to get out as much as a result, then you should be aware of the fact that this could result in muscle loss. One of the best ways to try and prevent this is by eating plenty of protein as it is important when it comes to building, repairing, and maintaining healthy bones and muscles.

Good sources of protein include a lot of lean meats, fish, eggs, and also seafood. You can also get it in tofu and other soy products. You should look to the likes of beans, pulses, and nuts and seeds too.

  • Arthritis

If you have arthritis, then you may find that fish oil is a big help. If you are eating fish at least twice a week, then you will begin to feel the benefits. You can always talk to your doctor about a supplement if you don’t like it.

  • Healthy Teeth

Be sure to also get your teeth and dentures checked regularly so that you won’t be prevented from eating healthy food as a result of them.

Is It Too Hard to Keep on Top of Your Nutrition?

Keeping on top of your nutrition is hard regardless of how old you are, but it is paramount you do so as you get older in order to remain healthy. As such, if you are finding it hard to remain on top of things, then you’re going to need to seek external help. One of the best places where you can get such assistance is at assisted living facilities. Here, you will be encouraged to remain as independent as possible while receiving help on whatever it is you find yourself struggling with. In this instance, it is diet, but there is a huge range of options available at assisted living facilities. For instance, you can find expert memory care Brick NJ. These facilities tend to cook for their residents, so you will not need to worry about whether or not you are getting the right food.

What Should You Be Putting on Your Plate When You’re Over 65?

There are a lot of different guidelines available for you to refer to if you are considering what kind of food you should be putting on your plate. These guidelines are usually a very helpful reference point as they will outline all of the different types and amounts of foods and dietary patterns that might promote health and wellbeing. They are also prevalent when it comes to reducing your risk of diet-related conditions and chronic disease.

It is good to stick to the food groups that are contained within these guidelines as they will act fast in benefitting you physically, mentally, and socially too. If you aren’t taking in good food and drink choices, then you end up putting yourself at risk of chronic diseases, which include the likes of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some cancers, and also mental conditions that include anxiety and depression. Socially, too, you will feel a lot more comfortable meeting new people and staving off loneliness and isolation.

What do these types of guidelines say? Well, generally speaking, people are recommended to:

  • Eat a wide variety of foods that come from the five main food groups. This should include plenty of colorful fruit and vegetables, legumes and beans, grain, meats and poultry, high fiber varieties, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds, and milk. You should try and make sure that this food is reduced fat.
  • Drink plenty of water (plenty means somewhere around six to eight cups of fluid a day).
  • Limit consuming foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat, such as biscuits, cakes, pastries, pies, processed meat, burgers, pizza, food that’s been fried, crisps, and most savory snacks.
  • Limit your intake of food and drink that contains added salt, and don’t add any salt to food when you are cooking or at the table.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption (this means you should only really take in two standard drinks a day).
  • Ensure that you remain physically active too, which means to aim for about 30 minutes of exercise every day.