We hear lawyer jokes all the time. And we laugh. Until we need one. And then it’s serious.
There are four primary reasons why non-attorneys often have a negative view of those whose careers are in the legal field, including Anchorage Attorneys. First, lawyers are often viewed as smarter than the rest of the world, as they went to school for an additional four years. Second, lawyers use “legalese,” their own language which, at times, makes people who cannot understand it uncomfortable. Third, lawyers are always wearing suits, work in fancy offices and drive fancy cars, which can be intimidating for others. Finally, and very important, is the fact that lawyers are very expensive.
But there are also “salt of the earth” attorneys who are pragmatic, friendly and devoid of the arrogance associated with the preceding paragraph. Yes, there are Anchorage Attorneys that do it right. And how do they defy the stereotypes? They are compassionate, they listen, they are assertive (rather than aggressive), they are creative, and they persevere.
The most common personal injury cases handled by Anchorage Attorneys include car accidents and slip-and-falls, but personal injury attorneys also prosecute cases involving wrongful death, trucking accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, pedestrian knockdowns, medical malpractice, products liability, police brutality, and others.
In accidents resulting from a driver in a car, motorcycle, truck, SUV and more, experienced attorneys will seek out as many defendants as possible. For example, defendants from whom monies may be sought for a vehicle operator’s injuries include (1) if a victim is collided into by another vehicle, the operator (and owner) of that vehicle are able to be sued, (2) if a victim’s vehicle slips on uneven or debris-filled roads, the owner(s) of those roads may be liable for failing to keep them clean and safe, and (3) if a victim is injured due to a wipeout at or near a construction site, any person or entity involved in the construction could be a defendant if they (a) failed to properly clean the area, (b) failed to provide warning signs that the area was unsafe or (c) failed to rope off or otherwise barricade the dangerous areas.
And how do you find attorneys to assist you? The best way is through a referral from someone you know and trust. When it comes to advertising, television commercials, radio ads, advertising boards, trains ads, internet ads, etc. may actually violate Alaska’s laws surrounding professional conduct.
An attorney is likely to be violating the law if he or she (i) makes false or misleading communications about themselves, their services or a prospective client’s need for services; (ii) makes material misrepresentations of fact or law; (iii) creates unjustified expectations of results; or (iv) compares his services to another’s services without any basis in fact. Any attorney that does any of the foregoing, in addition to being either ignorant or willfully dismissive of the law, may end up losing their license to practice, something that can obviously negatively impact your case.
Once you select attorneys to interview, the vetting process should be used to make sure the lawyer can perform even the most basic tasks in a thorough and professional manner. In order to help make this determination, meet with the prospective attorney face-to-face. At that meeting, make sure he or she listens and explains everything clearly, from the contents of the retainer agreement to the litigation process and beyond—there is a lot to know. Offer questions and suggestions to see how they react; make sure they pay attention and give valid reasons for accepting or rejecting your opinions. If there is a settlement offer made, be sure it is communicated to you along with reasoning for why you should or should not accept the deal. And, notwithstanding the attorney’s rationale, will the attorney acts for your benefit instead of his own.
And does your attorney know you have only two years to file a personal injury lawsuit? And does your attorney know how to prevent against reduced awards due to comparative negligence? And does your attorney know how to file insurance claims? And will your attorney prosecute property damage claims? And will your attorney prosecute workers’ compensation claims, if applicable?
As you can see, in any situation where a person is injured as result of someone else’s negligence, having an attorney is vital because there is a lot to know, from drafting and filing a complaint, serving a complaint, answering a complaint, conducting discovery, depositions, motion practice, trial, time deadlines, appeals, collecting money after trial, prosecuting and defending appeals, and more. It is not a matter of intelligence, but rather a matter of training, that makes it nearly impossible for a non-attorney to properly prosecute a personal injury claim. As such, retaining Anchorage attorneys is in your best interest.