Suffering a personal injury is often a traumatic and painful experience and one that can test both your mental and physical strength. However, while seeking medical attention and getting better are the most important considerations following an accident, of equal importance should be getting legal advice.
People often suffer injuries through no fault of their own yet still face mounting financial pressure in the form of medical bills, time off work, costly treatments, etc. Without adequate compensation, these costs can be crippling so, if you’ve suffered an accident (particularly one that wasn’t of your causing), you should contact an attorney to see if you’re eligible for compensation.
Below are just a few reasons why you should hire the help of a personal injury attorney as quickly as possible following an accident.
The Statute of Limitations
Most people aren’t aware, but the law has deadlines in place following an accident that limit the amount of time you can delay making a claim covered in the Statute of Limitations. If you fail to submit a claim in time, you will miss the opportunity to be compensated. A lawyer will advise you on these schedules.
Your injuries may be more severe than you think
People often go into shock following an accident – a shock that frequently has the effect of numbing pain. Moreover, while we all think we understand our bodies pretty well, the long-term effects of an injury may only manifest themselves much further down the line. Also, an attorney will be able to claim for less obvious consequences of an injury – things like depression, ongoing pain, and other seemingly smaller damages.
Your insurance company uses attorneys – so should you
We all like to think insurance companies are there for us to fall back on, but the truth is that most insurers employ huge legal teams to try and minimize the amount they payout. If your insurance company has lawyers on hand, shouldn’t you? Unfortunately, insurance companies will almost always put their interests before yours, so you must seek representation.
A lawyer will deal with the minutiae required for your case
Following an accident, the last thing you’ll want to face is a mountain of paperwork and formalities but filing an injury case takes complex and detailed inspections and procedures – all of which need to be recorded accurately and stored securely. Hiring a legal professional will remove this onus from you. Plus, it’s more than likely you won’t be aware of the exact procedural requirements anyway, which will only harm your case later.
Injury cases are complex
The laws relating to personal injury cases vary from state to state and can get incredibly complex when it comes to attributing blame to an accident. Without the required legal knowledge and expertise, you will have little chance of achieving a successful outcome to your claim.
Hiring an injury lawyer – the takeout
It’s only natural to focus on your immediate health and well-being following an accident but doing so may mean you miss out on compensation for the physical and mental distress injury can cause. To ensure you get what you deserve and receive compensation for the damages caused, you should at least seek the advice of a professional personal injury lawyer who will give you an impartial view of your ability to claim.