In order to save the planet and reduce carbon footprint, many stores have banned the use of plastic bags. They encourage their customers to use reusable bags for grocery shopping. However, though the small plastic bags have been banned, their larger counterparts have shot up in sales. For instance, the use of plastic trash bags has increased in sales by a large extent. These bags are generally used in the bathroom and kitchen. Little do people know these bags have a significant impact on the carbon footprint of the planet and need to be immediately stopped as well. Now the question is, what is the alternative for plastic trash bags?
How can I reduce my carbon footprint and protect the Earth?
If you are pondering on the question- how I can reduce my carbon footprint on the planet- the first thing you should do is stop using big plastic trash bags. When it comes to the amount of carbon footprint caused by plastic trash bags, the exact amount cannot be ascertained correctly. The levels of the carbon footprint caused depends upon the factors like its manufacturing process, the time it took to travel from one place to another, its disposal process. Note that these bags are an integral part of the huge plastic industry, and their carbon footprint is growing daily. There have been some estimates in the market where the production and impact of plastic trash bags will grow to 56 gigatons till 2050. The annual CO2 emissions could increase to over 2.75 billion tons annually.
What are the major problems of plastic trash bags to the environment?
Plastic trash bags have adverse effects on the environment-
- Plastic bags take about a hundred years to disintegrate.
- These bags are made from LDPE (low-density polyethylene) manufactured fossil fuels that are non-renewable in nature.
- Plastic trash bags tend to disintegrate into very small microplastics that contaminate the oceans. They cause a lot of harm to sea animals and come back to humans through the food supply.
What can you use for garbage disposal besides plastic trash bags?
The good news is there are eco-friendly bags you can embrace for discarding trash for your home. Though most people prefer plastic trash bags as they are convenient and can manage smell, the following are some ways to help you reduce their carbon footprint on the Earth-
- Compost scraps from food to remove wet and slimy waste.
- Recycle metal, glass, and paper.
- Switch to bins that can be washed.
Moreover, there are some manufacturers in the market, making eco-friendly trash bags. With them, you can conveniently place your trash out of the curb for garbage companies to collect. These bags are biodegradable, and they can be recycled.
Therefore, if you are wondering about how I can reduce my carbon footprint, switch to eco-friendly trash bags that you can safely use. If you want, you can also use paper bags or switch to cans that can be washed and reused over again.