Top 4 Challenges That Payroll Managers Face

Payroll managers are often seen struggling with various other issues beside payroll management. The various other issues majorly include employees. Yes! Apart from performing the complex calculations, they are also ought to resolve various issues and concerns raised by the employees related to their salaries. Ask a recruiter and they will nod in affirmation.

So, in this blog, we talk about the top 3 of such challenges. Let us begin.

  • Placing leave request after the due dates-

    This is the most common challenge that each and every company’s payroll manager faces. There are employees who even after being reminded to apply for leaves and regularisation don’t apply for the same. So, when they apply for the leaves after the due date, the payroll processing software abstains from taking into account their leaves if the payroll has been processed earlier. The salary, in that case, is processed in arrears. However, even when the employee is at fault, he expects HR to process the salary timely. Such situations come off as big trouble to the team.

  • Not telling the manager about the closed account-

    Payroll software also processes and transfers the salary to the salary accounts of the employees. So, if due to some of the other reason, employees should inform the payroll manager. When the manager is not informed about the same, you should try to inform the manager about the same, the salary is transferred to the same closed account. Due to this, the salary won’t reach the employee and the employee even after being at fault insists the payroll manager to do something and transfer the salary or give him a check. While the problem of the employees can be resolved, the payroll manager gets an extra task to manage.

  • Asking for salary early than the due date-

    There may be some emergency for which an employee is falling short of funds. So, the employees’ may seek help from the company and request their salary in advance. While it may be really necessary for the employee, it takes a toll on the whole of the payroll process and the payroll manager has to pay extra attention while processing payroll even when they are using payroll software. So, the request for advance payment ends up being one of the biggest challenges for the payroll manager. 

  • Submitting incorrect tax form-

    Tax forms are one of the most important things for a payroll to be executed properly. Even a slight error in investment declaration and filling the tax form can make a payroll manager have a sleepless night. But, employees barely understand. As a result of the same, the payroll manager has to check and rectify every form before processing the payroll using payroll software.

    To all the payroll managers- We hear you! We know you would be nodding by now to all the 4 challenges mentioned. Let us know in the comments more challenges you face. Stay strong and let the payroll roll!