What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, is the most effective treatment used for a condition called gynecomastia – enlarged breasts in males. This surgical procedure is used to remove excess fat tissue and fat accumulation to restore a flat, firm and more masculine contour to the male’s chest.

Enlarged breasts in males occur due to multiple reasons such as certain medications, genetics, hormonal misbalance, obesity or other unspecified reasons. This condition can affect a man of any age.  However, this surgery can only be performed on adult males and teenagers.

Why should one go for male breast reduction surgery?

Enlarged breasts in males is an abnormal condition which requires attention. While vigorous weight loss regime can help most males in reducing the appearance of male breasts, but often times when there is the presence of excess glandular tissue, this could develop male breasts even in lean and slim patients.  In recent times many people who have male breasts are considering this option as it is the only and most effective treatment to treat this problem.  The results of the surgery are long-lasting if not permanent. After the surgery is completed the patients are suggested to rest for a few days and avoid doing the heavy lifting and exercising just as a precaution. People have said that after getting this surgery done they have felt more comfortable with an enhanced sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.

If one is self-conscious and uncomfortable about the appearance of their chest and finds themselves in a situation where they are afraid to indulge in physical activities such as sports then they should definitely go for this surgery.

The male breast reduction surgery is performed by a medical professional who has years and years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery and treatment. The procedure is very simple and does not cause any major side effects and hardly leaves any scars.

Why choose a qualified cosmetic surgeon?

Male breast reduction surgery is a simple procedure and in order to achieve the best results, one must consider choosing a specialized and trained professional. One must check for the doctor who is certified and holds a good reputation. One should be sure that their doctor could perform the surgery without any complications and provide the desired results with much ease.

Consider these three key factors when choosing a cosmetic surgeon-

Skill and experience

Make sure that the surgeon performs these surgeries regularly and is well educated.

Board Certification in Cosmetic Surgery

This is very important as it shows that the surgeon is well-qualified and trained in all the areas of cosmetic surgery.

Understanding with a Cosmetic Surgeon

One should feel comfortable with the cosmetic surgeon. One should be able to freely ask about the concerns and any possible questions regarding the surgery.

Gynecomastia surgery cost in Ludhiana

Men who want the gynecomastia surgery in Ludhiana can consult some of the best surgeons around their area.  Gynecomastia surgery cost in Ludhiana is a lot affordable when compared to other bigger cities. One can check out for some of the best prices online.