When it comes to what makes a good credit score, the factors are multiple. By looking at the credit score of someone, you can easily find out the borrower’s capacity to pay the loan back. The scores can be high or low or in the middle. If a score is high, then it is assumed that a person is capable of getting valuable credit and will pay the loans and fund back. If a score is low or you are worried about rebuilding credit after bankruptcy, the perception is the opposite. A low score will make lenders cautious and it will not be easy for one to have monies extended to them. In a lender’s eyes, various scores may mean different things, depending on the type of scoring system that particular creditor uses. The credit score one gets proves pretty useful for those who are thinking of whether or not to loan funds. The entities expanding the credit is able to find out the total money to be offered to an individual along with at what interest rate.
Before you try to do credit repair after bankruptcy, you should better know what a good credit is and why you need it. Credit scores are composed of a varying degree of numbers, anywhere from 300-850. A score is made up of a range of pertinent factors. A look at the payment history information consists of thirty-five percent of the score. Observing the amount a person owes is thirty percent. The credit history longevity is fifteen percent of the score. The new budget info comprises of 10 percent. The remaining 10 percent is for considering the different types of credit used.
Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are three well known credit reporting agencies. One free annual credit report can be obtained from 1 each of these companies for a total count of three reports a year. It is very important to digest the contents that are on one’s report with a fine tooth comb. Information that is not accurate and correct can sometimes be found. Sometimes errors in late payment content, payment histories and amounts of monies owed can be seen. A person can be certain in reviewing the report that there is no identity theft as well.
Entities extending credit will be careful in looking closely at numbers on an individual’s credit scores. For the most part, lenders feel that a score of 700 or above is thought to be very good to excellent. One would value keeping their scores high due to the many advantages of toning a high credit number. If you have bad credit or suffering from bankruptcy, you can contact a professional credit repair agency for the purpose. Credit extensions with low interest rate offers would be secured by the high scoring report owners. Also, fast credit approval processes can be received by those with that excellent high score!