It’s that time of year again. The trees have shed almost all of their leaves and the crisp evening air is gaining an extra chill. Winter is approaching and it’s time to make sure your home is ready to face the cold. When weather-proofing your home, don’t forget to make sure your furnace is in good condition. This can help save you money on heating your home throughout the season and help avoid pricey emergency service calls.
Have a Professional Service Check
Professional routine services typically include a cleaning of the burner and ignition systems and adjusting the air to fuel ratio to the furnace’s specifications. This service helps improve your furnace’s performance, maximizing its efficiency and durability. Hiring a professional like American Efficiency will help.
Replace Your Air Filter
This is a pretty easy and inexpensive place to begin your routine furnace maintenance. By changing your filter so that it’s fresh and clear of any dust or debris, you can end up saving up to 15% on your heating bills. Keeping your filters clean can also help prolong the lifespan of your furnace.
Clean the Registers
Throughout the winter, be sure to check the register covers. Keep them open and clear. If you start to notice any excessive dust buildup, this could be a sign of duct leaks. Leaks should be attended to as soon as possible to prevent a heavier heating bill and to help keep your air quality high. Be sure to remove anything from ducts that could be blocking airflow.
Test Your Burner Flames
Light the furnace and make sure that you see a blue flame. If you happen to see orange, this is indicative of needing service. Call a professional to make an adjustment that will ensure your furnace is running efficiently throughout the winter.
Pay Attention to Noises
If you notice that your furnace is making loud banging noises, there may be something wrong. Clicking, squealing, and other sounds are also indicative of possible issues. Seek help from a heating technician who will be able to diagnose any possible issues.
Check the Batteries of All Home Safety Devices
A malfunctioning furnace can lead to detrimental outcomes if gone unnoticed. Be sure to check all carbon monoxide and smoke detectors so in case of any leaks, you are alerted and are able to exit the home safely.
Pay Attention to Odors
A rotten egg smell could be indicative of a natural gas leak. Leave the home immediately if you smell this and call the fire department to ensure things are safe. Then contact your HVAC company to have them take care of any necessary repairs.
Program Your Thermostat
If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to a comfortable temperature for the times that you are typically at home and set it to either be off or cooler during times you will not be home. This will help you save on your energy bill.
Set Any Ceiling Fans to Rotate Clockwise
Ceiling fans are not only to cool you down in the Summertime. They are actually a great way to circulate air in general. The fan will force the warm air down and help move colder air up.
Winter is a tough season to deal with for all homeowners. Protecting and winterizing your home is essential to protecting one of the biggest investments you may have ever made. Be sure to focus attention on ensuring that your furnace is winter ready. Without the proper maintenance, you could end up spending a lot of extra money heating your home throughout the season or end up with hefty emergency service bills. Avoid the hassle and contact us today for your routine furnace maintenance needs. We’d be more than happy to inspect your furnace and ensure you’re ready to brace the cold.